Event Locations

We partner with event locations across the United States to get you the deals you want.

Event Locations with Military Reunions

If you are finding it difficult on deciding where you want your Military Reunion, we partner with event locations across the United States to get you the deals you want. We offer suggestions that match a Reunion’s needs. We work with Military Reunion friendly cities coast to coast and will guide your group to a city with interesting tours and great hotels. Let us find you the perfect location to have your Military Reunion. We have a list of Military Friendly cites and hotels that we suggest and find to be very Military Friendly.

With access to our wide range of event locations, Military Reunions strives to make the event planning process as easy as possible for our veteran members. 

Ready to get started?

Create an account or contact us now!



Military Reunions
helps military personnel
and veterans reunite with people
they haven’t seen since they were
enlisted. The strongest bonds are
formed in the Military and our
goal is to not let them
fade to time.





Military Reunions
helps military personnel
and veterans reunite with people
they haven’t seen since they were
enlisted. The strongest bonds are
formed in the Military and our
goal is to not let them
fade to time.